East Peckham Village Hall

50 / 50 Club
The Village Hall runs its own Lottery – the 50/50 Club. Draws take place quarterly - at the end of March, June and September, and just in time for Christmas.
There are FOUR CASH PRIZES given away every time!
If you would like to join (and you must be 18 or over) please contact:
Flic Brodie: 01622 871056 or 07887 846077
Subscriptions cost just £15 per quarter, or £60 per annum.
Half the money – 50%! – is paid out in prize money, and the other half goes towards the running costs and vital maintenance of the Hall.
East Peckham Village Hall is a charity, and the 50 / 50 Club is an exciting way for people to support this important facility for the benefit of the whole community.
If you wish to help by joining the Village Hall 50/50 club please contact:-
Flic Brodie 01622 871056 - 07887 846077